The editorial staff of the Security Director magazine notes the contribution of Igor Sergeyevich Bederov and the organizations he leads to the development of modern information and analytical services designed to prevent Internet crime.
We have studied the concept of the SICP (Security Intelligence Cryptocurrencies Platform) online service. We believe that the use of your software product will qualitatively improve the analytical work and implement previously inaccessible tasks for the prevention and investigation of crimes related to operations with cryptocurrency, bogus ICO.
We express confidence in maintaining the existing friendly relations and look forward to further mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation for the benefit of the prosperity of Russian business.
Корпоративная система аналитики Транзакция Криптовалюта Актив - кибербезопасность инфраструктуры блокчейнов и антифрод в криптовалютной сфере (антискам, прозрачность, комплаенс).
Российская Федерация, Москва
Тел.: +7 (911) 999 9868