On the leading portal for information security, Security.Lab.ru published an analytical note - Countering cryptocurrency fraud (2018/10/29).
In the new industry, the use of distributed ledgers and cryptocurrency turnover, a significant number of problems. The industry is still poorly regulated. Some of them are: current global losses from cybercrime - more than $ 500 billion; fraud world losses - more than $ 50 billion; global cybersecurity costs - more than $ 86.4 billion; ten percent of funds for ICO plundered by fraudsters (phishing) - $ 388 million.
Thus, according to PwC, as of August 2018, 15% of companies have already implemented blockchain technology. The growth of a programmable economy is expected to reach $ 3 trillion by the year 2030. In this regard, the fraud has moved into the cryptocurrency sphere, and almost reached its peak...
Source: SecurityLab.ru
Source: K4Y0T Project.
Корпоративная система аналитики Транзакция Криптовалюта Актив - кибербезопасность инфраструктуры блокчейнов и антифрод в криптовалютной сфере (антискам, прозрачность, комплаенс).
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