The Swiss fintech market grew by 62 percent in 2018, according to a recent study by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences published on February, 27.
In the IFZ FinTech Study 2018 of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the project team provides a comprehensive overview of the Swiss FinTech sector.
The entire 140 page study can be downloaded free of charge from Swiss Bankers Prepaid Services Ltd.
Source: Swiss Bankers.
Private financial technologies as a tool for sustainable business development in Russia and Kazakhstan.
In 2018, Deloitte, the CIS conducted a comprehensive independent study on the trends in the financial technology market in Russia and Kazakhstan. The development of the Fintech market is primarily stimulated by three fundamental factors:
a) growing demand - the growing demand for financial services received by both the public and business through the Internet or mobile communications;
b) regulator's activity is the activity of the authorities, as a result of which a single national fintech space and infrastructure is formed;
c) dynamic supply - high sensitivity of FINTECH companies to growing demand (regular entry to the market of new products and services).
Currently, the concentration of demand from consumers of FINTECH services falls on the online lending segment. It is one of the most growing in the financial technology market: so, according to experts, in 2017, online companies issued 67% of loans more than a year ago. It should be noted that the absolute majority of representatives of the Fintech market expect the positive dynamics to remain in the online lending segment (two years to come) and consider online lending to be one of the main drivers of the development of the financial technology market...
Source: Deloitte CIS.
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