In Russia, announced an online service that analyzes the risks of using cryptocurrency and investigates crimes committed in this area. The development was carried out by the company "Internet-Rozysk".
The service, which was launched last year, was called the Security Intelligence Cryptocurrencies Platform. In January, an alpha version of the service appeared on the site
According to the project director Igor Bederov, the service was launched in December last year and as of January 2019, he found 46 thousand bitcoin wallets, which were given the status of "unreliable".
SICP analyzes blockchains, websites, chat rooms, and forums to identify those cyberwiches that are used in criminal schemes, such as fraud, blackmail, money laundering, and so on. Also, the development team of the platform builds interactions with market participants, public organizations and law enforcement agencies. One of the promising goals of the service creators see deanonymization of purses and assigning them the status of “trustworthy” - provided that they are not seen in the implementation of suspicious operations, and “unreliable” - if the operations that were carried out through the wallet raise doubts. At this stage, the strategic partners of the project are CipherTrace, Sentinel Protocol, Crystal, CryptoPolice, Wawes, SPb BlockChain, and ACISO.
The developers set themselves the task of giving users the ability to track all transactions from the moment they are sent until the moment they receive funds on the recipient’s wallet. The system should work by analogy with the methods that are now used by the financial supervision authorities. The service will identify wallets that are used for money laundering, terrorist financing and other illegal purposes. Also, the service will be able to monitor transactions on certain wallets for a long time, which will allow detecting fraudulent ICOs.
SICP is a breakthrough technology for Russian crypto-business. This prominent development will allow participants of the Russian cryptocurrency market to protect themselves from fraud, journalists said.
Note that on pre-sale, SICP tokens can be purchased at half price, and the alpha version of the service from January 9 can be connected to
Корпоративная система аналитики Транзакция Криптовалюта Актив - кибербезопасность инфраструктуры блокчейнов и антифрод в криптовалютной сфере (антискам, прозрачность, комплаенс).
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