On April 24, 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Law “On an experiment to establish special regulation in order to create the necessary conditions for the development and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in the subject of the Russian Federation - the city of federal significance Moscow and amending Articles 6 and 10 of the Federal Law” About personal data.
Essentially brief:
- from July 1, 2020, over 5 years, an experiment will be conducted in Moscow to establish special regulation in order to create the necessary conditions for the development and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in Moscow, as well as the subsequent possible use of the results of the application of artificial intelligence in other regions. At the end of the term, regulatory documents issued for the purpose of the experiment are canceled;
- in the Law for the realization of its goals the concept of “artificial intelligence”, as well as “artificial intelligence technology” is given;
- in order to establish an experimental legal regime (hereinafter referred to as the ELR), the Moscow Government will determine, inter alia, cases of mandatory application and (or) consideration of the results of the use of artificial intelligence in the activities of the Moscow Government, as well as the procedure and cases of transfer by owners of funds and photo and video surveillance of images obtained in accordance with the conditions provided for in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 1521 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as providing access to such media cameras and photo and video surveillance systems to state authorities and organizations performing public functions in accordance with regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. The list of organizations performing public functions is established by the Moscow Government;
- when making transactions and other legally significant actions, an ELR participant will be obliged to notify persons who are not participants in the experimental legal regime of his status as an ELR participant and indicate the application of the Moscow Government adopted in accordance with the Law in relation to his regulatory acts. if the legally significant actions specified in this part are committed using the Internet information and telecommunication network, the participant in the experimental legal regime inform the user (party to the transaction) of all applicable provisions of regulatory legal acts of the Government of Moscow adopted in accordance with the Law in question
- requirements for agreements between ELR participants and the authorized body (it is appointed by the Moscow Government), should provide mechanisms to ensure the confidentiality of the transmitted data and the security of their storage.
- (!) Personal data obtained as a result of depersonalization and processed in accordance with paragraph 6 of part 1 of Article 4 of the relevant Law cannot be transferred to persons who are not parties to the ELR. In the event that the ELR participant status is lost or the experiment is terminated after its expiration, the person who is the ELR participant loses the right to receive personal data obtained as a result of depersonalization and personal data stored in the form The result of such depersonalization is subject to destruction in the manner established by the authorized body by agreement with the authorized federal executive body, carrying out functions for the development and implementation of state policy and regulatory regulation in the field of information technology.
- for the destruction of personal data obtained as a result of depersonalization, in the prescribed manner, the procedure for assessing the conformity of information protection means, which include the function of information destruction, is carried out. The participants of the ELR are responsible for observing the rights of the subjects of personal data in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” for the entire duration of the experiment and after the termination of their participation in the experiment.
- during the experiment, it is not allowed to store personal data obtained as a result of depersonalization and processed on the basis of an agreement with the authorized body specified in paragraph 6 of part 1 of this article, outside the subject of the Russian Federation - the city of federal significance of Moscow.
- the status of an ELR participant is acquired from the moment it is included in the corresponding public register;
- the decision on inclusion or rejection is made by the authorized body (appointed by the Moscow Government) within a period of not more than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the application;
- The law provides requirements for the applicant, which, which can only be a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, registered in the territory of Moscow, as well as for the type of activity. The IP and the governing bodies of a legal entity have a requirement for the absence of an unexpunged or outstanding criminal record for crimes in the economic sphere, as well as for crimes of medium gravity, serious and especially serious crimes.
- the reasons for the refusal to be included in the register are prescribed in the Law (it seems to me quite common); in case of refusal to include in the register of ELR participants, the authorized body shall notify the applicant of this with a motivated justification for such a refusal.
- the reasons for the exclusion of the ELR participant from the register are also indicated, the exclusion is carried out within 10 working days.
- the formation of strategic directions and monitoring the activities of participants is planned to be entrusted to the ELR Coordination Council, which, on the proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation, includes representatives of federal executive bodies.
- Amendments to Article 6 and Article 10 of the Federal Law of 07.27.2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" in terms of processing conditions and in the processing of special personal data, respectively.
April 3, 2019. Public Statement. Bill Hinman, Director of Division of Corporation Finance; Valerie Szczepanik, Senior Advisor for Digital Assets and Innovation.
Blockchain and distributed ledger technology can catalyze a wide range of innovation. They have seen these technologies used to create financial instruments, sometimes in the form of tokens or coins that can provide investment opportunities like those offered through more traditional forms of securities. Depending on the nature of the digital asset, including what rights it purports to convey and how it is offered and sold, it may fall within the definition of a security under the U.S. federal securities laws.
As part of a continuing effort to assist those seeking to comply with the U.S. federal securities laws, FinHub is publishing a framework for analyzing whether a digital asset is offered and sold as an investment contract, and, therefore, is a security. The framework is not intended to be an exhaustive overview of the law, but rather, an analytical tool to help market participants assess whether the federal securities laws apply to the offer, sale, or resale of a particular digital asset. Also, the Division of Corporation Finance is issuing a response to a no-action request, indicating that the Division will not recommend enforcement action to the Commission if the digital asset described in the request is offered or sold without registration under the U.S. federal securities laws.
This framework represents Staff views and is not a rule, regulation, or statement of the Commission. The Commission has neither approved nor disapproved its content. This framework, like other Staff guidance, is not binding on the Divisions or the Commission. It does not constitute legal advice, for which you should consult with your own attorney. It does not modify or replace any existing applicable laws, regulations, or rules. Market participants are encouraged to review all the materials published on FinHub...
Source: SEC.gov
We are proud to present the single, most comprehensive data-driven analysis on European technology today.
What’s changed for European tech in the past 12 months? It’s been another record year for investment in European tech and the sector is powering growth in Europe’s stagnant economy. Yet not everyone is benefitting from the boom. The gains are not being democratized by investors. Companies need to address diversity and inclusion tools and unlock hidden talent pools.
This is the fourth edition of the State of European Tech report, the single, most comprehensive data-driven story of European technology today. We’ve gathered data from world-class data partners and a survey of 5,000 members of the tech ecosystem, from founders to students, investors to researchers. We’ve tried to tell the most important stories. We cover diversity and inclusion, talent, regulation, investment, research and development, and the great, global disrupters out of Europe...
Source: State of European Tech 2018.
The Supervisory Board of the High-Tech Park in Belarus approved regulations on the activities of residents of the High-Tech Park with digital signs (tokens).
Source: Belarus Hi Tech Park.
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