The interregional public organization "Association of Chief Information Security Officer" was established by the decision of the initiative group in 2010. The initiative group comprised heads and specialists of divisions of enterprises of various industries, representatives of professional public associations. Interest in creation of the Association and participation in its work expressed about 50 managers and specialists from the IS departments, including specialists from neighboring countries.
Main goals:
• Promotion of the Information Society through effective use of information security technologies and tools in all spheres of business and social activity;
• Enhancing the prestige of information security services and the activities of their managers in business and society;
• Ensuring the interaction of heads of IS services of commercial and state organizations at the national level and the formation of the Russian community of heads of IS services.
The tasks that we set for ourselves today are:
• Development of club movement of IS leaders;
• Formation and expression of the consolidated opinion and positions of professionals in the field of information security;
• Interaction with regulators on issues of information security and impact on the issues of legislative support of information security;
• Promotion of ideas and professions in the field of information security;
• Increase the level of skills and competencies of specialists and managers of information security;
• Creation in the interests of members of its own information and network security center (such as CSIRT \ CERT) and establishing contacts with international organizations;
• Interaction with profile associations.
Корпоративная система аналитики Транзакция Криптовалюта Актив - кибербезопасность инфраструктуры блокчейнов и антифрод в криптовалютной сфере (антискам, прозрачность, комплаенс).
Российская Федерация, Москва
Тел.: +7 (911) 999 9868